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Tracks > AI Governance
Monday Morning Tutorials
08:30 AM - 11:45 AM Mon, Dec, 9
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Stephanie Paradis, First San Francisco Partners |
All Levels |
Sunil Soares, YDC |
All Levels |
Conference Sessions
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Mon, Dec, 9
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Steven MacLauchlan, Ippon USA Andy LaMora, Ippon |
Business |
Monday Afternoon Tutorials
01:45 PM - 05:00 PM Mon, Dec, 9
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Jimm Johnson, HireRight |
All Levels |
Thomas Redman, Data Quality Solutions |
Business |
Mark Horseman, DATAVERSITY |
All Levels |
Keynote Presentation - Data and AI Governance
08:35 AM - 09:05 AM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Laura Madsen, Moxy Analytics |
All Levels |
Keynote Panel - AI Opportunity, Risk, Innovation and Responsibility
09:05 AM - 09:50 AM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Johna P Till Johnson, Nemertes Research Guru Sethupathy, FairNow Roslyn Docktor, IBM William A Tanenbaum, Moses & Singer LLP |
Business |
Conference Sessions
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Nicole J Bills, Data Strategy Professionals John O'Donovan, Data Strategy Professionals |
All Levels |
John Hearty, Mastercard |
Intermediate |
Conference Sessions
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Lauren Maffeo, The Pragmatic Programmers |
All Levels |
Sponsored Sessions - Data Governance, AI Governance and Data Quality Solutions
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Melanie Brunache, IBM |
All Levels |
Conference Sessions
01:45 PM - 02:30 PM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Stephanie Paradis, First San Francisco Partners Junaid Farooq, First Citizens Bank Mathias Vercauteren, Data Vantage Consulting Sumalatha Bachu, FINRA |
All Levels |
Lakshmi Isukapally, American Express Amol Salunkhe, American Express |
Intermediate |
Mark Horseman, DATAVERSITY |
All Levels |
Sponsored Sessions - Data Governance, AI Governance and Data Quality Solutions
02:45 PM - 03:15 PM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Anthony Gil, Collibra |
Intermediate |
Juan Sequeda, Tim Gasper, |
All Levels |
Conference Sessions
03:45 PM - 04:30 PM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Donna Burbank, Global Data Strategy, Ltd. |
Introductory |
Daniel Sorensen, Eclipse Consulting Group Eric Glenn, Eclipse Consulting Group |
Advanced |
Conference Sessions
04:45 PM - 05:30 PM Tue, Dec, 10
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Alexandre t'Kint, Collibra |
All Levels |
Conference Sessions
08:30 AM - 09:15 AM Wed, Dec, 11
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Junaid Farooq, First Citizens Bank |
All Levels |
Cindy Lou Vogel, Right Triangle Consulting Adam Milward, MetadataWorks |
All Levels |
Conference Sessions
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Wed, Dec, 11
Title | Speakers | Audience |
Regis A James, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals |
All Levels |
Sumalatha Bachu, FINRA Logan Kudlacik, FINRA |
Intermediate |
Kira Rodarte, TriNet Group Danielle Derby, TriNet Group |
Case Study |